Praise the Lord!

Monday, February 28, 2011

A Summer Memory Of A Carefree Ragmuffin.

The sun had already fallen behind the trees. The last of the light left was caused by the bright gold sunset to the west, it gave the rest of the sky a blue-gray color. A blanket of dew covered the green grass and the pond was still, not a single disturbance rippled across the surface.

I inhaled, a hard cold smell filled my nostrils. I listened, the cicada's loud buzzing was fading in and out in perfect synchronization. I observed, little lightening bugs began to fill the air. My mother and aunt are laughing on the front porch. The sun sinks lower and I can almost feel it getting darker.

I pull my feet out of the water and walk off the dock. Then I set off in a run, as fast as I can, across the Hausmann's huge front yard. The grass is wet and cold under my barefeet, the wind is blowing in my hair, my small feet meet the firm ground with a little thud with every leap I take. I used to run fast.

I reach the porch panting and happy. I sit on the front porch, hugging my knees to my chest and resting my chin upon them. I smell muddy water against skin and smile. I hear the sound of love ones laughing as I watch the lightening bugs fly all over the yard. Their  lovely little light show blinked out of time with the cicadas practiced song. 

That's when the memory fades. I bet I was 6 years old when all of this took place. It was so long ago, but I remember it so vividly. The smells, the sounds, the feelings! I had a wonderful childhood.

God has blessed me so much. I praise him because I grew up with a wonderful, encouraging, christian family. Because I had land to wander and to learn about, and admire, and appreciate His creation. Because, through all this, He still revealed salvation to me. He opened my eyes to see my sin, to see the little wretch that I am. He also opened my ears to hear the gospel. He showed me His Son, and His finished work on the cross. He revealed to me, that the sins I have committed Christ bore on the cross, He took my sin, baring the wrath of God for what I deserved, and has now accredited his righteousness to me. One day when I stand, a wretch with nothing to offer to God, Christ will cover me with his righteousness so that I may spend eternity with Him, that I may know Him.

My Savior! I owe my life to Him because of what He has done for me!
God be praised,
Forever and always!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

When Life Gives You Suger. . . Put Some Coffee In It

Dear reader,

 I really wasn't sure how to start this blog post, so I decided to address you. You see, I'm afraid I've been thinking! "That's a dangerous pass time" You say. And I agree, especially for a girl! I don't know, but I've been told, that boys dont think the same way girls do. They think in boxes whereas girls think in wires. Crazy messed up wires that run thoughts through our brains 100 miles per hour. Do not for one second think that I am saying we are in any way better than men, or smarter than men. For, in fact, we are not! We are just different. When a man can't keep his boxes in place they call it ADD. When a woman can't keep her thoughts on one wire, they say "How like a girl!".

However don't go by me, that's just what I heard.

Anyway, as I was saying I've been thinking, this morning while drinking my coffee, about many, many things. Then suddenly this thought came to me "I need to get a job, so I can pay my bills and go to Africa. Maybe I'll become a hippy and sell all I have and learn to play the guitar. Would I sell all my stuff so I could go to Africa?" I was definitely jumping wires just then.

My next thought of course was "Yes I WOULD. But I don't really have anything of value." My cloths, I wouldn't mind selling those. But do I have any of value? I have a cute sweater from Buckle That might make me ten bucks, a few pairs of pants, I've never worn, for two bucks each, I have a bunch of scarves I could sell for Two bucks each, then one Holster shirt I could sell for ten bucks. I'm up to $ 30. See not worth it. . .
Then again, I do have a Brother I could sell. . .  Not an actual blood related, living, breathing, brother, a Brother Sewing Machine. I love my sewing machine, and use it a lot! It's in really good shape and works like a charm. I could sell it for at least 50-100 bucks I think. I also have two American girl dolls in perfect condition, one is the limited time only doll, Marisol! there's maybe another 75. I have stacks of books like you've never seen a 17 year old have. If I sold all of them I could probably get Another 45-50. And yes. . . All my movies, would perhaps bring in another 45-50. Lets say we are up to 275, I do have a car, If I could get 1200 out of my car, I would. $ 1475. That's enough for a plane ticket. Plus the money I've saved from cleaning the bank would help pay for all other expenses.

Think about it though, I would go to Africa, help the poverty stricken, preach the Word, love the orphans, and Give out Bibles. Then after all that and a few months I would come home and have nothing!

The sewing machine I use to make me dresses, skirts, and blankets would be gone. The dolls I am planning on giving to my nieces when they are older would be gone. I love my car, his name is Alan and we've been through a lot together. He would be gone as well. I'd have no books, no movies, and no fancy cloths. Only a life changing experience and treasures in heaven. That would be putting reason above sentiments. And I am very sentimental.

These thoughts that were running through my head were very convicting, very uncomfortable, and very scary. "Materialistic things make me happy."- M.W. Said once, and it is so true!

So back to the question above  "Would I sell all I have to go to Africa?" The answer is unknown. I cannot say that I would, but I won't say I wouldn't. For if it was the will of God, and his Spirit did it for me, it would be done. But there is nothing inside me wishing to do it myself. Blast this human nature!

May God do with my life what He will, to Him be all glory forever and ever!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I live in a house made up of giant windows. I also live in the middle of the woods. . . Lie. I live on the edge of the woods, however my house is still amerced in trees, but to the east of my house is a field. This field is always visible through my windows (Save in the instance of great fog), and currently that lovely field is covered with snow.

I love 'The Land!' when it snows. Living in the woods, we are secluded from the world outside us. Secluded from the place where snow is bothersome, unappreciated, pushed out of the way, and made black. while yes my brother has spent all day yesterday and a good part of today, 'pushing it out of the way' as I just put it. The snow is still here, most of it untouched by anything human.

I am reading this book  called Notes From The Tilt-A-Whirl, by N.D. Wilson. Awesome book. I got it for my birthday in November, in February I started reading it. The second chapter Wilson spends admiring snow. He talks about the intimacy and care God puts into each snowflake, he talks about the quantity of snowflakes. The very day I read this chapter was the day it snowed two feet. Chance? Definitely not.

I could have read that chapter the day after I got the book, but I didn't. I read it during the biggest snowstorm of my lifetime. That's God. In the book Wilson talks about how nature talks, how it has a language, and how it is a language. God speaks and the snowflakes are. Now with two feet of snow in every direction, I look out my big windows, I can very well see/hear God. He is near, loving, rebuking, and displaying grace.

Sometimes we feel distant from God. (That's a laugh) We feel lonely, forgotten or ignored because God doesn't come talk to us like he did Moses or Abraham. (That's Wilson) But God is there!
"See the snow!" He says,
"Ick. Snow." says I,
"I want you to look at it and hear my voice."
"Go away snow! You're cold, wet, and nasty."
"See how lovely I spoke it, see how I caused it to gather in drifts!  See how white it is."
"How am I gonna make it to class on time?"
"I made this snow white with My words, I will make you white with My Word."
"God, let me make it to class safely and on time!"
"Through the finished work on the cross, My Son will wash you as white as this snow."

God gave me windows to see this lovely snow, to hear His voice, to admire it, and worship the Speaker. I love the snow, even though it is too deep to play in and too powdery to sled on. I am thankful for it, because through it I have heard Gods voice.

"Cone now let us reason together," Says the Lord , "Though your suns are as scarlet, they will be as white as snow, though they are red like crimson, they will be like wool." Isaiah 1:18

Now, Look out your window, what do you see? Can you hear what God has spoken? Let it intrigue you, let it consume you, let it lead you to worship the Speaker of this mysterious language called 'Snow'.